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How To Fit Your Wedding Dress / Suit After Quarantine

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No one has expected to stay all this long at home suddenly; COVID-19 outbreak has its effect worldwide and everyone is staying home to help stop the virus spreading, whether it’s been a week, two or almost a month now in some countries, a lot of people have canceled all their plans as a consequence.

If your wedding was supposed to take place during this time and got postponed due to the circumstances or your wedding is planned to take place soon after the quarantine period is over. We know how spending much time at home can affect your weight and you are probably afraid your dress/ suit might not fit you again when the special day arrives.

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Here are a few tips and advices on how to maintain your weight during the quarantine.

Regulate your meals, while boredom- or stress-related eating is tempting – and lots of us are closer to the fridge these days. It’s very important to watch over what we eat, Create an eating pattern where you have a meal or snack about every three hours, it’s proven that having 5 small meals a day is more effective than having only 3, This can help prevent mindless snacking; Whenever you need to have a snack, limit snacking of highly processed foods such as chips and cookies. If you don’t buy it, you can’t eat it and change them with healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables.

Drink at least 8 cups of water each day to stay hydrated and keep your body’s systems functioning normally and avoid sugary beverages.

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Stay active, do not allow boredom take over you due to being trapped in the house, do house chores starting with making your bed when you wake up, you will start feeling accomplished, get out of your pajamas and wear something different during the day, you will feel more energized.

Socialize with your family, loved ones and friends, it will make you feel communicated and help you pass the time.

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Regulate your sleeping times, we know how it’s tempting to sleep and wake up late; Try to wake up in the same time you used to before quarantine, it will help you maintain your body routine and won’t mess up with your system, so you will avoid feeling hungry or distrusted which will cause eating more food, something we are trying to avoid.

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Start Training and working out, it’s time to dust of your treadmill and start getting back on it. Treadmill can be a bit boring and dull for some people, but if you listen to some energetic music while working out or face the TV and watch something you like, will help you pass the time.

W.H.O advised 30 minutes physical activity a day is important to keep up your good health during these hard times.

Lots of gyms now are offering training routines online to do at home during quarantine, or you can always find lots of videos on you-tube for different balanced workouts between cardio and strength, to help you keep your weight under control and to stay energetic, positive and safe.

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